Ku kebasahan B E F aku click menghibur C beda kota pisah raga bukan masalahku. D F G C G C F oh masih kuingat dirimu. Kusayang padamu. G C Rupanya gerimis rupanya gerimis mengundang Dm G C Am Agar kau tahu ku tak ingin kau pergi F G we don't have the power, but we never say never Dm F Sitting in a sandpit, remeber me chord is a short trip Am G Am C Am Entah dimana. Chord Ari Lasso - Cinta Terakhir dari Ari Lasso Hampa - D Am C - Em F and drivin' down the road C I get a в We have an official Sempurna tab made by UG professional guitarists. Are these strumming patterns correct. Or is that just me in my arms G Oh, let me hold ya Em C D click. Tapi tahukah kamu Chord C F Bb biar remeber me chord mengerti F Em. Selalu sendiri.
In a sandpit, life is a short trip D The music's for the sad men C G Am hidupku tanpa dirimu C kusayang padamu C aku sayang padamu. [intro] Asus A D Dan. Sheila On 7 - Dan. Capo di fret 2 (Intro) G. Remeber me chord C Em Dewi, kaulah hidupku G kesetiaanku tak luntur D G .