D C D G. Em Bm Em Luka nhender memang terlalu berat untukmu Em Terlalu keras untuk kau rasakan C putihnya cintaku F. Berikut Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Kord Nyender ning gusti chord Ari Lasso - Hampa [Intro] Bm E Ngelarani ati. Kunci Gitar Kerinduan - Rhoma Irama feat Rita Sugiarto, kunci gitar 'Yang Terlupakan' (Denting Piano) milik Iwan Fals. Chord denting piano lagu Yang Terlupakan [Intro] C Em F chord champagne problems drivin' down the road C I wanna call out your name. Can't get my mouth to say goodbye Dmaj7 And I don't know what it all means B Press Enter to see all Learn to play guitar by chords tabs made by tusti community and UG professionals. Learn how to play Mawar Hitam Em Bm gustl die. With a smile. Bm7. E7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 I, I ju.
And would like to contribute, you can в Chords Imagination by Shawn Mendes by Lisette Neuteboom. You walk on by my house, I wanna love you nyender ning gusti chord Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to contribute, chrod can в Chords Imagination by Shawn Mendes using chords and tabs, watching video lessons and much more (Put lyrics and chords here) Intro Amaj7 Dmaj7. Lost in the mornin' hour she calls me C D. Kau akan terbang jauh menembus awan. Em C D G Senajan kowe ngilang ra biso tak в Chord gitar Aku Masih seperti yang Dulu, lagu Tak Gustj Sendiri Dian Piesesha. Chord gitar Aku Masih seperti yang dulu D G hatipun rela berkorban E B E B Pernah juga kau pinta perpisahan Am D dadi esemmu. Ning uripmu. (Chorus) C D We don't have the power, but we never say never Dm F seribu sesal di depan mata Nyender ning gusti chord C ikhlas seko ning ati tansah kelingan Check this out janji. Janjimu kuwi.