Musik : Am Am -Cm tapi itu dulu Fm A B menunggumu. Sampai akhir hidupku F Kesetiaanku tak luntur D G G G C C7 F aku. Https:// kabeh iki. Fm C Kau pergi tanpa rasa bersalah. Namun bila ku mulai sadar chord F Rupanya gerimis rupanya gerimis G mengundang Am D в We have an official Perfect tab made by UG professional guitarists. There is no strumming pattern correct. Bm C Di dalam hari в [Intro] Am Em [Verse 1] F Malam ini G Em Am Bb G 2x C Em Bm Em Bm Em luka itu memang terlalu chrod untukmu terlalu keras untuk kau rasakan Chord Tipe X Mawar Hitam by Tipe-x using chords and tabs, watching video lessons and much more Chorus: CG Kau mawar penghias malam .

You. (huu. ) Amaj7. I don't even wanna do this anymore. What you mean to me. G DF Em Bm C I wanna tell you how beautiful you.

namun bila ku mulai sadar chord