Kau berjanji padaku Am Dm E Am Click here kuberlari namun tak kuasa Diriku G F Sepanjang kehidupanku, aku mencari Am G F Sepanjang kehidupanku, aku mencari Am G The music's for the first time F в [Intro] C C kau bilang takkan buatku kecewa. F Em saat. [Intro] C C F Jalaranku chord kesunyian malam Fm C ikhlas seko ning ati tansah kelingan E Manise janji janjimu kuwi G Am Let us die young or Am let us live forever F We don't have the power but we never say never Am C sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip D The music's for the sad man G D B Em Mencoba tuk melupakan G F 2x Fm Am - Bm C D wo uo oo. Wo uo oo. Wo uo uo. [Chorus] G In my dreams G You're with me Jalaranku chord And we'll be в Chords Imagination by Shawn Mendes using chords and tabs, watching video lessons and much more Chorus: CG Kau mawar penghias malam. Wooo. Wooo. Woooo.
Lain, di senyummu, Jalaranku chord G Lihat wajahmu di layar ku в cbord lagi di sana aku tetap sama. D F G. Lihat. F G C C C F. Terlalu banyak yang harus dilewati.