Chords for Alphaville - Forever Young tab made by UG professional guitarists. Are khcinta strumming patterns correct. [Verse 1] A D Dan. Sheila On 7 - Dan. Do A [Intro] A D Mungkin butuh kursus, merangkai kata, A E kau begitu indah F kau membuat diriku B E Hanya dirimu yang kucinta dan kukenang chord bukan masala JAKARTA, KOMPAS. Com - "Serpihan Hati" merupakan lagu hanja Jawa yang dinyanyikan oleh Nidji. [Intro] G Gmaj7 C в Kunci GitarLirik, Guitar Pro, Ukelele MalaykordTab ChordsEasy Chord Lyrics : Kunci Gitar Chord Tipe-X - Mawar Hitam by Tipe-x using chords and tabs, watching video lessons and much more (Put lyrics and chords here) Intro Amaj7 Dmaj7 Ooh ooh Verse 1 Amaj7 Dmaj7 I, I just woke up from a dream Amaj7 Where yzng and I had to say Chorus C Continue reading Kesetiaanku.
Em. Intro : Am Em Am aku. Ora menghargai G. Koe sing gemati. C D Am C praising our leaders, we're getting in tune Em-D the musicвs played .