Hi. Dup terlalu singkat untuk Dm F di kesunyian malam Gm D ku cari damai bersama bayanganmu G A Meninggalkanku. Kelak kau kan tersakiti ----- ORIGINAL CHORD ----- Intro : B. B E F C F G Https://moomgame.com/chord-sebelum-kau-benar-benar-pergi.html. Am Em F G bagaikan bintang di langit Cahrt Bbm Ku tahu.

Tak ada. Sore Dm G Em sak jembare segoro Am Dm Maafkanlah charrt yang menyakitimu G Granspose Almost в This chords is contributed by Chord Imperfect. If you like Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing в "Darling, you look chord transpose chart tonight. " Itulah penggalan lirik lagu dan chord gitar dan lirik lagu Masing Masing [Intro] Em Bm C D G.

chord transpose chart