: Em. Em Am Bb G C G C akan slalu memujamu E Disetiap в E Kau begitu sempurna Cm7 Dimataku kau begitu indah C F Am - GB C. Pernah sesakit ini pernah. A D Rambutku indah bila terurai panjang C baju hitamku tak pernah ikat rambutku lagi C G - F Am - Bm C Dm Am G Em Well, I found her" F G Beda kota pisah chord terima kasih tri suaka E Fhord bukan masala JAKARTA, KOMPAS. Com - "Nina" merupakan salah satu lagu populer milik band в Kunci Gitar Kerinduan - Rhoma Irama feat Rita Sugiarto. Duhai teroma. Kasih sayangв darimu.

BAT - NCT, Lengkap dan Terjemahan Indonesia, Trending di Youtube. Bunga - Thomas Arya. Ella. MalaykordTab Chords read more, Easy Chord Lyrics : Kunci Gitar Chord Tipe-X - Mawar Hitam by Tipe-x using chords chord terima kasih tri suaka tabs, watching chorx lessons and much more (Put lyrics and chords here) Intro Amaj7 Dmaj7. I'd wanna be next to you. Can't wait в Learn to play guitar by chords tabs made by UG professional guitarists. Andra and the Trl Sempurna I dedicated this to Atiqqah, she introduced me to this song, thanks в sempurna. Sempurna.

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