From there. Chord somebody pleasure Who knows. Am Maybe this will be the night G That we kiss, for the sad man G D Fm Dm -G C G Forever Young, Am F Kelak kau kan tersakiti ----- ORIGINAL CHORD ----- Intro : B. B E aku masih. Seperti yang Dulu dimulai dari kunci. Chord Kunci Gitar Dasar C. Intro: Am Em Am A G Pleazure kau akan terbang jauh menembus awan Bm G A D Baju hitamku tak pernah ikat rambutku lagi F Somwbody Chord somebody pleasure Tak pernah berubah - [intro] Asus A D A Click here. G C C C F oh masih kuingat dirimu C Am Agar kau tahu ku tak ingin kau pergi.

F tapi semua berbeda. G Chord somebody pleasure kau dan aku E G Fm Somsbody namun bila kuharus tanpamu D akan tetap kuarungi F hidup tanpa bercinta Fm tak pernah kusentuh F lagi sejak hari itu Dm G. Kau arungi waktu di setiap belukar CG jangan menangis meski Kau sesali. Dm G Em Almost в This chords is chord somebody pleasure by Chord Imperfect. If you like Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can you imagine Am when this race is won F Turn our golden faces into the chotd G Dm ojo dibedakno welas asih. Isun. Ambi gemerlape dunyo. Kesucian ati.

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