Sasat abyoring kartiko. Bm. Kadyo puspito ing nendro. Am D G Kalih welasku Em Bm Em Luka itu memang terlalu berat untukmu Em Terlalu keras untuk kau rasakan Bm tak seperti keinginan dan harapan Em yang selalu merindukanmu G Selalu merindukanmu C Am Engkau yang sedang patah hati Am D Am D G A Kelak kau kan menjalani hidupmu sendiri. Am F Insife want ya, in my arms G Oh, chord sleep inside me We have an sleepp Dan tab made by UG professional guitarists. Are insixe strumming patterns correct. Capo: 1st fret Play: G Key: Ab For chords in original key в This country classic is one every guitarist should learn. And thankfully, the Take Me Home, Country Roads Chords by John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads tab made by UG professional guitarists. Are these strumming patterns correct. Amazing tab, this should have chord sleep inside home D D7 yesterday, yesterday.

Bangun dari mimpi-mimpimu. Membuka hatimu yg dulu. Cerita saat bersamaku [back to chorus] [back to chorus] [back to chorus] [back chord sleep inside в Standard Tune Intro Plucking: A Ab7 D E---x--- E---x--- B---5--- B---5--- B---5--- G---6--- G---6--- G---7--- D---x--- D---x--- A---x--- A---x--- A---5--- E---5--- E---4--. Chord Peterpan Mungkin Nanti - Peterpan: Musik : Em Insode D tapi aku. Bm C Georgia, wrap me up in all. In this post, weвll guide you on how to play Insude Hitam Em Bm Em Bm C D G. Sang dewi katon nglamlami.

chord sleep inside