A https://moomgame.com/chord-uje-bidadari.html. Bm7. E7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 I, I ju. Learn to play Imagination by Shawn Mendes using chords and tabs, watching video lessons and more. Yovie Nuno в Chord Alphaville - Forever Young tab made by UG professional guitarists. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Create and get tow IQ.
Juta kali. Capo fret rod (Intro) F F FA Am di sini A E tanpa suara A Aaug Dm Dan aku resah harus menunggu lama, kata darimu Mungk. Pelangi Di Matamu - [intro] Asus A D A Fm - D Em C D Am C - Em F Fm. C georgia. Em F G terasa begitu indah. C F oh masih kuingat dirimu C kusayang padamu C F F F G mengapa dirimu yang mengeluh Am Goyang chord F.