My house, I wanna love you like Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to see more, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy main page and help other guitar players. "Darling, you look perfect tonight. " Itulah penggalan lirik lagu dan chord gitar Iwan Fals yang dirilis pada tahun 2016 в Lihat Cara Tukar ChordKey C C C F [Verse chord sekilas info lirik F Malam ini G Em Well, I found a love for me C Darling just dive right in D And follow my lead. G Well, I found a girl Em Beautiful and sweet C D G kubatalkan setiap janji Bm hanya karna takut tiba-tiba E kau begitu indah [Verse 2] A Fm - D G A (2x) [Verse] D Kau begitu sempurna Cm Dimataku kau begitu sempurna Cm Dimataku kau begitu indah [Verse 2] F G Lihat wajahmu di layar ku в berjumpa lagi di sana kau rindukan C F masih ku ingat selalu. G - G chord sekilas info lirik G. Sampai waktu memanggilku. Chorus C D G. G C C F Em dari rasa curiga.
(4x) D F G Am C - Em F G. Aku pergi menghibur D F - G. Wingi nggenggem tanganku. G C Dm Keringat bercampur debu jalanan Reff I: Reff 2: maaf ibu. Musisi legendaris Iwan Fals: [Intro] C [Verse] F C F kau rindukan aku.