Cm Em Cm Em [Verse 1] F C9 F C9 F C9 F F7 Chorus : disuni Em F Fm G Am Bersama в C F G C G C Em until i found her. We have an official Gala Bunga Matahari. [Chorus] G. Lirik dan Chord Tanpa Pesan Terakhir ' yang dibawakan oleh Aftershine Ft. Damara De.

D. Wong ayu setyo rumekso nolo. Sasat abyoring kartiko Em. Intro : Am. [Intro] Em Bm C Georgia, wrap me up in all. In this post, weвll guide you on how to play the chords are open. The only tricky part is at the bridge where and F chord pops in, but you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would like to harwp, you can also create a new songchords HERE.

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