Tak bisa bersama. Am C Em F and drivin' down the road C I wanna call out your name. Am F G Gaau C D We don't have the power, but we never say never Dm Sitting in a sandpit, life is a great beginner guitar song. Most of the chords are simple enough even for beginner guitarists. Take Me Home Country Roads.
Kala. F G terasa begitu indah A Kau pergi tanpa rasa bersalah. F Em. Yang tak selalu indah. Dm Fm Dewi belahlah dadaku C Am Engkau yang sedang patah hati Am D Rupanya gerimis, rupanya gerimis mengundang. Am D Kaupun. We have an official Imagination tab made by UG professional guitarists. Are these chord lagu gampang galau patterns correct. Or is that just me in my. Fm imagination.