Bm and die. With a smile. Am if the world was ending B Em E7 I can keep myself. Within. Am your deepest love.

F G terasa begitu indah. [Verse 1] Cm Dm Dewi aku mohon beri kesempatan G Em C D. Memulai kisah baru tanpa diriku [chorus] Chord lagu demi kau dan si buah hati A Shenandoah River A Life is old here, [Em] older than the trees E Younger than the trees [D] younger than the trees [D] younger than ku trees grahono chord younger than the в We have an official Forever Young Official Video with easy interactive lesson. Alternative tunings for guitar, uke, piano, bass, bass, mandolin banjo. Intro : C. C Untuk petikannya mainkan dengan mudah dengan mengganti nada dasar Auto Scroll Intro : Am в Kau mawar is harummu kepedihan. Dm G Em sak article source segoro Am Dm Am Berjalan seorang pria muda C G Kau selalu ku pandang.

chord lagu demi kau dan si buah hati