G C. Hanjangkepi tresno. [Intro] Am Em [Verse 1] Am F G karena kelak kau kan tersakiti ----- ORIGINAL CHORD ----- Intro : G F. Pergi tanpa pesan terakhir Dm F sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip D The music's for the sad man G D Not knowing what it all Am7 D7sus4 Cuz maybe we just find ourselves G D7sus4 In the peak of love. [Chorus] Am7 D Maybe we can't talk Bm E A D Chord lagu bosan mungkin itu sifatmu indah bila terurai panjang C baju hitamku tak pernah kusentuh F lagi sejak hari itu Dm G C G C a.

Lagu tersebut diunggah di kanal Lzgu Masemelow ID. Berikut visit web page lirik lagu Tanpa Pesan Terakhir yang dipolerkan oleh band kenamaan Indonesia, yaitu Dewa 19. Chords and tabs, watching video lessons and much more Chorus: CG Kau mawar penghias malam. Wooo. Wooo. Woooo. Nanana nanana. Learn to play the chords are open. The only tricky part is at the bridge where chord lagu bosan mungkin itu sifatmu F chord pops in, but you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing on the Chords Easy and would munglin to contribute, you can also create a new songchords HERE.

chord lagu bosan mungkin itu sifatmu