Var status var currentpos alt curpos1 - в Tanpa berlama-lama lagi, berikut kunci gitar dari C. Chord Kunci Gitar Kord Bmajor chord Dewa 19 - Dewi - Begitu Salah Begitu Benar E-A-B E A B в Capo di fret 4 Intro : D. F G C Ku coba. G C. Kalih welasku. Am Em F G. Wong ayu setyo rumekso nolo. Sasat abyoring kartiko.

See us together forever. We'll be everything G I found a love for me C Oh darling, just dive right in D And follow my lead. G Well, I found a girl beautiful and sweet C D We don't have the power but we never say never Dm F Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short chord juliette teman apa teman Am G Dm ojo dipadakno isun ambi wong. Liyo Am mergo isun sing sempurno. Ojo dibedakno welas asih. Isun.

chord juliette teman apa teman