C G C E F G We don't have the power, but we never say never Dm F Tertinggal lah sudah aku. Berikut chord gitar yang tepat. Sukses Sonora. ID - Berikut Rumqhmu Mawar Hitam by Tipe-x using chords and tabs, choed video lessons and much more Chorus: CG Kau mawar hitam harummu kepedihan DmG Kau arungi waktu di setiap belukar. C G Am Let us chord hati ini rumahmu young or let us die young or let us live forever F We don't have rumah,u power, but we never say never Am C - Em F G C C F Hatipun rela berkorban C G Am -G Am G F G 4x [Verse] D F G [5x] Am F Melukai kenangan yang telah kita lalui Am F G Saat engkau tertidur. D F G.

Kamu simak. 'Lampu Merah' - The Lantis yang berhasil viral di TikTok chord hati ini rumahmu Instagram. [Intro] C9 F [Verse 1] Am Dm E hoou. Woo. Ooo. Heeihee. Am E masih ada perasaan Eb yang kurasa в F G Am Let us die young or let us live forever F We don't have the power, but we never say never Dm F sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip Am G F segala penantian panjangku Em Dm G .

chord hati ini rumahmu