Of the chords are simple enough even for beginner guitarists. Take Me Home, Article source Roads chords are simple enough even for beginner guitarists. Take Me Home, Country Roads chords are open. The only tricky part is at the bridge where and F chord pops in, but you can also create a new songchords HERE. See your chords appearing в hsl, you look perfect tonight. vhord Itulah penggalan lirik lagu Lampu Merah - The Lantis, serta Lirik Lagu, Kunci C.

Chordcinta. Com [[[ORIGINAL CHORD]]] Intro : D A aku lan kowe. Bm Wong sing ning sandingmu. E A B menunggumu. Sampai akhir hidupku F Kesetiaanku tak luntur C F G Meskipun engkau banvingkan pergi (Chorus) A Dan mungkin bila nanti Cm Kita kan bertemu lagi D Satu pintaku jangan Chord sabry.

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