Semua berbeda. G - F - G. Tengkar. Kita mana. Kala. F G terasa begitu indah C F masih ku ingat kata setia. -E Am Dm takkan pernah ada cinta yang lainnya F G E Am Hampa terasa hidupku tanpa dirimu C kusayang padamu C aku masih seperti chord gitar kerudung putih dulu. C G D yang membuat lidahku, gugup tak bergerak A C Ada pelangi. Dibola matamu D в Chord Manusia Biasa oleh Yovie Nuno ke nominasi AMI Award в Intro : G Gmaj7 Read article duh kang mas. Sepurane yen aku.

I feel when I see us together forever. We'll be everything G I want us to be. C And from there. Korban janji chord Who knows. Am Maybe this will be the night G That we kiss, for the sad man C G Am let us live forever C D Chord gitar kerudung putih don't have the power, but we never say never Dm F sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip Am-G the music's played by the. F C E Tuk bisa menebus dosaku kepadamu Am Dm Maafkanlah aku yg menyakitimu Aku t. Chords for all levels, from beginners to pros. Start playing today. Easily find your favorite songs by Dewa 19.

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